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Free Disposal of Green Waste, Bulky Items, and Trash for Unincorporated County Residents.

Flyer – English/Espanol: 5.16.2024-Dumpster-Pilot-Program-ENG-SPA.pdf (lacounty.gov)

Proof of residency will be required (e.g. Driver’s License).

Event closes once bins are full.

Please secure your load to prevent littering. No business waste, tires, e-waste, or household hazardous waste (paint, cleaning products, etc.) will be accepted.

To properly recycle tires, mattresses, construction and demolition materials, and to dispose of household hazardous waste contact LA County Public Works at (888) CLEAN-LA or visit CleanLA.com.


Public Works Yard 558
8505 East Avenue T
Littlerock, CA 93543 United States

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