Underground Storage Tank (UST) permits are required prior to installing new USTs, modifying UST systems, permanently or temporarily closing USTs, and upon UST ownership change. Please submit UST permit applications to ust@pw.lacounty.gov for review and processing. You can also mail submissions to: 

Los Angeles County Public Works
Environmental Programs Division
900 South Fremont Avenue
Annex Building, 3rd Floor
Alhambra, CA 91803

The Environmental Programs Division (EPD) Public Counter is located on the 3rd floor of the Annex building located at 900 South Fremont Avenue, Alhambra, CA 91803. The public counter is open Monday through Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. 


New Install

A Hazardous Substances Underground Storage Permit (HSUSP) Application Supplement/Notice to File Authorization to Maintain USTs form is required for all new sites before installing USTs. All sites with USTs must have a current Unified Program Facility Permit.

  • HSUSP Application Supplement/Notice to File Authorization to Maintain USTs form 
  • New Construction/Addendum form 
  • Letter of authorization (Required if application is not signed by the permit holder or UST owner) 
  • Contractor license 
  • Contractor proof of workers compensation 
  • Technician International Code Council (ICC) certificates 
  • Technician manufacturer training certificates 
  • Fuel compatibility documentation per State Water Resources Control Board (If applicable) 
  • Plans including, but not limited to: 
    • Site plan 
    • Section details (i.e. USTs, sumps, under-dispenser containments, etc.) 
    • Equipment schedule including complete part numbers

If a site has an un-permitted UST, it must be permitted before it is removed.

System Modification

A New Construction/Addendum application is required prior to performing any modifications to an UST system. A modification is any repair or replacement to an existing UST’s primary/secondary containment, piping, spill containers, overfill prevention equipment, ancillary equipment, and leak detection equipment.

  • New Construction/Addendum form 
  • Letter of authorization (Required if application is not signed by the permit holder or UST owner) 
  • Contractor license 
  • Contractor proof of workers compensation 
  • Technician International Code Council (ICC) certificates 
  • Technician manufacturer training certificates 
  • Fuel compatibility documentation per State Water Resources Control Board (If applicable) 
  • Plans including, but not limited to: 
    • Site plan 
    • Section details (i.e. USTs, sumps, under-dispenser containments, etc.) 
    • Equipment schedule including complete part numbers 
  • Work must commence within 180 days from the date of issuance of plan approval. 
  • Any application for a modification that involves the breaking of ground and removing/replacing of primary/secondary piping, sumps, and/or under-dispenser containments will need to be accompanied by a Closure Authorization for HSUS Tanks form and the submission of a closure report with soil sampling results. Closure report requirements can be found HERE. 


A closure application is required when permanently or temporarily closing an UST system. The UST closure must comply with the closure conditions as directed on the Closure Permit as well as meet the requirements of California Health and Safety Code (Division 20, Chapter 6.7, Section 25298), California Code of Regulations (Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16, Sections 2670 through 2672), and the Los Angeles County Code. It is the policy of Los Angeles County not to allow closure in-place of an UST unless it can be demonstrated from an engineering perspective that is not feasible to move the UST.

  • Closure Authorization for HSUS Tanks form 
  • California Professional Engineer’s letter (Required for UST closure in-place) 
  • Closure Report Requirements form 
  • Site plan to scale including: 
    • Property lines 
    • Adjacent structures 
    • All existing USTs labeled by tank size and content (e.g. 20,000 gallon Unleaded Gasoline) 
    • Piping layout 
    • Dispenser locations 
    • Remote fill locations (If present) 
  • Closure Authorization for HSUS Tanks form 
  • Supplement Application for Temporary Closure form 
  • Site plan to scale including: 
    • Property lines 
    • Adjacent structures 
    • All existing USTs labeled by tank size and content (e.g. 20,000 gallon Unleaded Gasoline) 
    • Piping layout 
    • Dispenser locations 
    • Remote fill locations (If present) 
  • Application forms must be signed by the new HSUSP holder. If not, the application forms shall be accompanied with a letter of authorization. 
  • Authorization to remove, close in-place or temporary close USTs is valid for 180 days. 
  • Contractors removing underground storage tanks must be licensed by the California Contractors State License Board (CSLB) and possess the Hazardous Substance Removal Certification (HAZ). 
  • It is required that the contractor schedule a UST Closure notification in the UST Notification system. 
  • Closure by removal or in-place requires a closure report to be submitted within 30 days of completing closure-related activities. 
  • A closure report must be prepared under the direction of a California Professional Civil Engineer or Professional Geologist or Certified Engineering Geologist. 
  • Permits/clearance for closure must also be obtained from the Los Angeles County Fire Department or local fire department, the DPW Building and Safety Division or local city building and safety equivalent, either the South Coast (rules 1149 and 1166) or Antelope Valley AQMD, as well as other applicable permits. 

Transfer of Ownership

A transfer of ownership application shall be submitted when the Hazardous Substance Underground Storage Permit (HSUSP) holder is transferred from one UST owner/operator to another. The new HSUSP holder shall submit this application within 30 days from the date that the ownership of the UST was transferred (LACC 11.80.170).

  • Application for Transfer of HSUSP form 
  • HSUSP Application Supplement/Notice to File Authorization to Maintain USTs form (If the transfer occurred over 30 days) 
  • California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) UST submittals (See FAQs below for more information.) 
  • Application forms must be signed by the new HSUSP holder. If not, the application forms shall be accompanied with a letter of authorization. 
  • Information specified on Application for Transfer of HSUSP must match the information submitted to CERS. 

UST Application FAQs


UST permit applications are required prior to installing new USTs, modifying UST systems, permanently or temporarily closing USTs, and upon UST ownership change. 

Please submit UST permit applications to ust@pw.lacounty.gov for review and processing. You can also mail submissions to: 

Los Angeles County Public Works
Environmental Programs Division
900 South Fremont Avenue
Annex Building, 3rd Floor
Alhambra, CA 91803 

You may visit our office, Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., to make a payment. Alternatively, you may mail your check payment (payable to “LA County PW”) to our office at the following address: 

Los Angeles County Public Works
Environmental Programs Division – UST Unit
900 South Fremont Avenue
Annex Building, 3rd Floor
Alhambra, CA 91803 

UST Closures

Closure authorizations expire 180 days from the date of issue unless otherwise specified on the closure permit. 

The closure report must be submitted to Public Works within 30 days from the sampling date or 180 days from the date of the permit issuance, whichever is earlier 

Transfer of Ownership

A transfer of ownership application is required when the UST owner or the HSUSP holder changes. 

Yes. If your business is listed as the HSUSP holder and it changes entities (e.g., Limited Liability Company to a corporation), you will need to apply for a transfer of ownership. 

Yes. The following should be submitted to CERS: 

  • Facility Information (Business Activities, Business Owner/Operator Identification) 
  • Underground Storage Tanks (UST Facility Operating Permit Application, UST Tank Information/Monitoring Plan, UST Monitoring Site Plan, UST Certification of Financial Responsibility, UST Response Plan, UST Owner/Operator Written Agreement, UST Letter from CFO, Owner Statement of Designated UST Operator Compliance, etc.)