Water for LA
Water for LA is a program to transform LA County residents from passive water consumers to empowered and informed water advocates dedicated to sustainability and health for all.
As a trusted resource on all things water, Water for LA leads campaigns that educate the public and foster more sustainable behavior to help ensure the future of the region.
Water for LA envisions an LA County where residents understand and nurture their relationship with water—where it comes from, its connection to the rivers and lakes upstream, and how their actions impact their neighbors, region, ocean, and planet.
Where else can we build a community of fierce water advocates? As the saying goes: only in LA.
Conserve our precious water supply. Get more information on water facts and indoor and outdoor conservation.
Drought Background
Recognizing the persistent drought conditions through California, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted an emergency water conservation regulation on May 18, 2016. Find out what this means for you at www.LAcountyDrought.com.
County of Los Angeles Water Conservation Ordinance
In response to the current drought, the County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors revised the County of Los Angeles Water Conservation Ordinance (PDF, 732KB). Find out more about the requirements and potential fines for unincorporated area residents of Los Angeles County.
Stormwater Prevention
Visit the Stormwater Inspection webpage to learn more about the Municipal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit, Industrial/Commercial Facility Inspection and Certificate Program, and more.